Below, the lawyer Friolo, describing her.

"I am a lawyer who has practiced continuously and mainly in the field of family law, juvenile and persons, particularly attentive to 'study activities of the legislation and case law in this materia.Mi are always activated, through the association to which I belong, required to promote legislative reform of family law , procedural, in order to understand the needs of people and give full recognition to their civil rights. Currently practice as in a studio in Turin (Via G. Collegno 44) Criminal with two colleagues.'ve been nominated on several occasions by the Juvenile Court of Turin as Curator of the Minor and I played for a long time the role of councilor of culture and social affairs in the Municipality of San Mauro, where I had the opportunity to work closely with psychologists, social workers, psychoanalysts who have contributed to my opening interpretative. From the beginning of my career I have been interested to relationship problems (verbal violence , physical) and psychological analysis that helped me grasp the reasons that underlie the conflicts for which customers we consultano.In a separation or marriage or a divorce, final moment of a long conflict often harsh and violent, the role of the lawyer is crucial when it is accompanied by the equally useful and complementary of psicologo.L 'lawyer in the performance of his "job", as with common sense and always noticed the observance of ethical rules and ethical standards which must be guided at all times, need for them to perform their professional mandate of the technical-qualified psychologist who can 'offer' opening 'in the analysis of the facts , can 'produce a change in rigid positions that his opponents claim : the French school of psychology stresses the importance in the management of conflicts in the area of ​​family law to use "the recadrage 'ie the' restructuring 'of the conflict situation by harnessing the power of words and the imagination in a new dynamic exchange of roles. So it is! I strive every day facing numerous human cases to adapt the legal instruments- normative in my possession for the welfare of people without ever losing sight of this fundamental primary asset. I thank Dr. Sergio Romano, I've known for years and which goes all my respect, which gives me the possibility to collaborate and integrate his team in a project of opening where the individual who suffers is not only faced with legal problems generating stress, of depression and other functional disorders. "

Monica Maria Friolo

Via G. No collegno. 44 - 10138 TORINO
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