
This section contains a series of links to videos on topics, psychological and / or artistic deemed to be of particular interest.

To see them, simply click on the title of the video.

The videos are taken from youtube.

Who had video to suggest may do so by contacting the study: psicologiamoncalieri@gmail.com


From the depths of the soul documentary about C. G. Young di Werner Weick 2/6

Alchemy and Astral Travel Carl Gustav Jung

Face to Face, intervista Carl Gustav Jung, 1/4 (Italian subtitles)

Face to Face, intervista Carl Gustav Jung, 2/4 (Italian subtitles)

Face to Face, intervista Carl Gustav Jung, 3/4 (Italian subtitles)

Face to Face, intervista Carl Gustav Jung 4/4 (Italian subtitles)

Carl Jung speaks about Death

Overt primary Rejection in Infancy (Hospitalism) :: Study by Rene A. Spitz 1952

Why Mothers Should Stay Home With Their Babies / Video PSA

Emotional Deprivation in Infancy :: Study by Rene A. Spitz 1952

Piaget – How intelligence comes to children

J. The. Brown, M.D. / Therapeutic Theater