What distinguishes one from a counseling Psychotherapy(counseling)?


The boundaries not always are well defined: we can say that in general psychotherapy lasts much longer(although there are short-term psychotherapy); we can add that in general the counseling is centered on the problem and makes use of behavioral prescriptions while, psychotherapy is time to seek the reasons for a certain behavior. Corsini e Wedding (Authors of "Psychotherapy, theories, techniques and cases ", Guerini studio publisher) thus define the two professional: A  counselor is first and foremost a teacher,  the psychotherapist is basically an investigator. Also in response to the change that psychotherapy produces, there is no unanimity on the bases that produce. The process of change many factors contribute, among which: cognitive factors, affective factors, behavioral factors and others.


Who has access to a psychotherapy?


Theoretically, anyone interested, motivated and willing, to focus their attention on himself and to embark on a path that, in a succession of moments tiring and sometimes painful,  other times just plain exciting or lightness, leads us in the direction of greater self-awareness, of their resources and their critical.



What is the difference between Psychologist, Psicoteraputa and Psychiatrist?


  The Psychologist has a degree in psychology(there are different addresses such as: clinical psychology and community, psychology of work and organizations, Psychology of evulutiva age and many others) and he passed the State examination for certification to the profession of psychologist: per esercitare privatamente la professione deve essere iscritto all'ordine degli psicologi.

The psychologist is not a physician and therefore does not prescribe drugs.


It psychotherapist is a psychologist or a doctor or a psychiatrist, who specializes, through a postgraduate course( generally 4 years) in psychotherapy. Even in this case there are several addresses of specialization.


The psychiatrist He graduated in medicine, specializing in psychiatry.

The psychiatrist, may prescribe medication.