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RSS Psychology Moncalieri

  • Galimberti: recipe (for the school) 10 May 2021
    Galimberti, recipe: “Selected teachers with personality tests, parents expelled from school e 12 pupils per class "By Vincenzo Brancatisano" Philosophy must be extended to all schools and included in the first grade ". The school, Furthermore, “Should take advantage of Covid to make structural investments that change it forever, how to reduce pupils for […]
    Dr. Sergio Romano
  • 76. Either the vote or the life! 10 May 2021
    by Alessandro D’Avenia | 26 aprile 2021 26 aprile 2021, 06:59 - change the 2 may 2021 | 12:24 Adapted from: Corriere della Sera, Last bench. «Dear professor, I am an almost eighty-year-old grandfather, but I allow myself to write to you for the student I have been and for the gratitude I feel reading the articles I […]
    Dr. Sergio Romano
  • The other side of the pandemic. Malaise of young people and crisis of Infantile Neuropsychiatry 15 April 2021
    Adapted from: Quotidianosanità.it by Angelo Fioritti In the first place, it is clear that it is not all the fault of the lockdown, although this year is weighing on the mental health of Italians and probably to a greater extent on the physical and mental health of children and adolescents. Several indicators of the mental health of the very young have been declining for at least […]
    Dr. Sergio Romano
  • Psychodrama HOW ANALYSIS THROUGH THE GROUP, by Giulio Gasca 21 April 2020
    Julius Gasca psychodrama ANALYSIS THROUGH THE GROUP AS in: Analytic Psychodrama, n. 0, December 1992, Turin. "What contributes contrasts and elements that disagree you have the most beautiful harmony" (Heraclitus) Il tratto specifico che caratterizza lo psicodramma analitico rispetto ad altre tecniche di gruppo è lo svilupparsi del discorso del gruppo stesso […]
    Dr. Sergio Romano
  • Young: the topicality of the identification, by Luigi Zoja 12 August 2019
    Dr. Sergio Romano
    Dr. Sergio Romano
  • European agreement on stress at work 30 May 2013
    European Agreement of 8 October 2004 EUROPEAN AGREEMENT ON STRESS AT WORK (8/10/2004) (Accordo siglato da CES – sindacato Europeo; SINGLE-"Confindustria Europe"; UEAPME – associazione europea artigianato e PMI; CEEP – associazione europea delle imprese partecipate dal pubblico e di interesse economico generale) Brussels 8 October 2004 1. Introduction job stress is considered, the […]
    Dr. Sergio Romano
  • Using the fairy tale in psychotherapy 15 February 2013
    Sergio Romano The fairy tale You choose to use the fairy tale about the possibility of bringing the inner world of children that it offers. It can be considered as the representation of the inner dynamics of the subject that produces The origin of fairy tales is as old as the world; basti pensare che prima dell’invenzione della scrittura la trasmissione […]
    Dr. Sergio Romano
  • Puss in Boots: a reflection. 14 November 2012
    Puss in Boots from "Puss in Boots", Perrault Bettelheim, points out that even in this fairy tale that differs a bit 'from the other as the hero guarantee success defrauding, important are the facts in themselves, in quanto ciò che conta è che in questo caso la speranza che si […]
    Dr. Sergio Romano
  • A group fairy tale with children: description of work phases 14 November 2012
    Sergio Romano Phases of the activity of the group in question is marked temporally in the following way: After the entrance of the participants: 1. Rite input 2. Tale of a Fairy Tale 3. Dramatization of the story 4. Picture 5. Rite output Let's see in detail the individual steps. Rito di ingresso E’ stato scelto […]
    Dr. Sergio Romano
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