The attention to the body

Sergio Romano

Writes Lowen: "I trust more and how I perceive the body of a person. It's not that I'm always right. But if I do not trust my sense, then I can not trust the senses. Watch and listen to your body is a continuous process. In this process, refine their interpretations, you correct your mistakes. The tone of voice of a patient tells me where he is, not his words. The eyes may lack expression, ie be opaque or empty, but this also says something. The lack of movement of the movement itself is equally revealing. The body can be considered as the repository of all our experience, and just like the woodsman can read the history of a tree when it falls, it is possible for us to read and learn about the history of an individual expression of his body ".

And Galimberti about the psychomotor:

"Term that refers to the motor activity as influenced by psychic processes and as reflecting the type of individual personality. The psychomotor ed education study psychic activity through the movement of the body. "

And more Nietsche: "Behind your thoughts and feelings, brother, is a powerful ruler, an essay called Self unknown. Lives in your body, it's your body. To the despisers of the body I want to say a word. They must not, I think, learn or teach starting over again, but have to say goodbye to your body, and so silenced " (1883-1885). The point to which I want to start with is the Freudian claim it contained The Ego and the Id the 1922 , according to which “body, and especially its surface, is a place where perceptions can be generated simultaneously external and internal (…) The ego is first and foremost a bodily, is not only an entity surface, but also the projection of a surface”. In this point, in the English translation of the 1927 has been inserted a note that seems to have been authorized by the Freud: “That is, the ego is ultimately derived from bodily sensations, especially from the sensations coming from the surface of the body. It can therefore be regarded as a mental projection of the surface of the body and the representative of the superficial elements of the psychic apparatus”.

All major theories, psychoanalytically oriented and not, recognize as irrefutable fact that the Self, origin, is made exclusively of body experiences.

The body, at any time, summarizes in itself its history and can reactivate conflicts and anxieties that repeat past solutions, albeit in new contexts.

Well as other great scholars, whose thinking is detached from the psychoanalytic theories, J.Piaget eat and D.N.Stern, base their theoretical approaches on the first bodily sensations of the child.

How does one reach, from elementary emotional investments on individual parts of the body, chopped at first and then more and more united and divided, the consciousness of the Self ? Ester Bick (1968) in his work " The experience of the skin in early object relations of the child "Argues that the parts of the psyche, in their most primitive form, are not differentiated from parts of the body; are also perceived as disconnected and held together, in a passive form, thanks to the skin that works as a limit peripheral. When the child is able to identify their own skin independent of that of the mother, begins gradually to identify even a body distinct from its mother and one's self in to his "psychic skin".

I am convinced that Western culture, but especially Christianity, has deprived the body of meaning that competes.

Le parole di Francesco di Sales, alone give an idea of ​​what our culture has made the body: “Human bodies are like crystals, that can not be transported together, because touching with each other they run the risk of breaking, and fruits that, although intact and well prepared, failure caused, if they touch with each other”.

Also, reckless medicalization has matched the body, in its broadest sense, con il Korper, the one described by Heidegger and Husserl and masterfully filmed by Galimberti more recently.

In this process, multi leib, the living body, has been forgotten. The split produced between Körper and Leib( reminiscent of the Cartesian division between res cogitans and res extensa) is a cause of deep malaise. IL Korper, the so-called anatomical body, what the doctor sees (unfortunately ..) in front of him on an operating table is a body-object; a body that moves in a space; while the Leib, opens up a space.

Il Korper, is identified with the boundaries of the skin, the Leib goes beyond them.

If we start from the idea that "I am my body", it is clear that a working body mediation is an effective therapeutic tool.

The Italian language is not providing different terms for the two "ideas" of the body as described above (in the German language, eg, are both terms), confusion and reductionism that may arise are obvious.

The body "object", per seat and says a paradosso; an object is something that I can see in front of me, I can not be myself. Everything that is not me, is other than me. This concept helps me to understand boundaries, to redefine myself and the other, time telling me what it is by what it is not, including symptoms of the disease.

That we are in front of the schizophrenia, where the Leib expires at the object level and boundaries are lost, or in front of the depression where the body can petrify and you can hear walled up in it, or opposite hypochondria, where the body becomes the seat of the symptom clearly, or where there is anorexia, where the body is experienced as separate from itself, the body keeping the memory of our lived here becomes the tangible manifestation of the malaise, which allows the therapist looking to intuit the universe that underlies the pathology.

In particular, with reference to psychodrama, same commentary Giulio Gasca: ..”what has relief in psychodrama is not the fact that the body is shown in scenes played, but that the protagonist, antagonist, viewers will live with the self-perception of kinestesica propori lived, feelings and the sense of one's actions, through the representation of the re-enactment of the intentional movement that had been done there and then. ".

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